Why cycad conservation keeps me grounded

Why cycad conservation keeps me grounded

Over 35 years, I worked on some of the biggest issues in biodiversity conservation, including wildlife trade, the impacts of agriculture and biological invasions. Throughout this time, I have maintained an interest in cycad ecology and conservation and colleagues often ask why I invest time in this relatively small group of plants when there are so many bigger issues to worry about. 

New study: Cycad poaching impacts on insect abundance

New study: Cycad poaching impacts on insect abundance

Congratulations to Paul Janse van Rensburg, who completed his doctoral studies at North-West University earlier this year, under the guidance of Prof Johnnie van den Berg. Paul was recruited by Tommie Steyn and Hugo Bezuidenhout and was the first bursar of Wild Cycad Conservancy. Paul did excellent work and will continue to work on insect-cycad mutualisms as a postdoctoral fellow. See below for a short overview of his work.